How Estate Sales Work: What You Need to Know

“Estate sale this Saturday. Everything must go!” We have all seen the signs on street corners. We’ve all read about them in the paper or heard about them through the grapevine. But what are they? And how do you go to one? We get it. It can be confusing. Keep reading to learn how estate sales work and everything you need to know about them. What Are They? At Yard o understand how estate sales work, we should first understand what exactly they are. At a first glance, estate sales might sound pompous, like something for only the most upper-crust… Read More

How To Prepare for a Yard Sale

So you’ve noticed all the things sitting dormant in the basement, your kids’ room, the attic, or the spare bedroom and have finally had enough. You have uttered the magic phrase: “That’s it! We are getting rid of all this stuff!” What is the next step? A yard sale! Now the question becomes: how do you prepare for a yard sale? It might seem a bit intimidating because of all the planning and organizing to do. But with a little help and research, you can learn how to get ready for a yard sale in an easy, hassle free way.… Read More

Pricing Yard Sale Items: A Guide

So you’ve decided to have a yard sale. You got tired of seeing all of your stuff taking up space in the attic. Or you got sick of saying: “When was the last time you actually used this thing?” We get it. It’s time to clear it all out. Congratulations! That’s a big decision to make and the first step to having a yard sale! Now comes the hard part: organizing. Are you starting to panic wondering how to price yard sale items? Don’t worry, we can help. Pricing yard sale items is a piece of cake as long as… Read More

How to Determine If a Yard Sale Item is Worth Money

It’s unusually warm for an early autumn afternoon. You pull up to what feels like the fiftieth house you’ve been to today. You’re feeling a bit discouraged, as you haven’t found anything interesting on your entire yard sale hunt. And then… you see it! The perfect item you’ve been looking for all day long! You immediately snatch it up and pay the seller what the little price tag says. At home, your friend comments on the item, now sitting proudly on the mantel: “It’s lovely! I bet that’s worth a lot!” But, you don’t know! Now you’re curious to find… Read More

How to Tell the Difference Between a Yard Sale, Garage Sale, and More

We’ve all heard of yard sales, garage sales, rummage sales, tag sales, and estate sales. Odds are, you’ve been to one or at least seen signs around your neighborhood. But outside of knowing these are places for selling old items, you may not know the exact differences. “What’s the point of having an estate sale vs a garage sale? Or a moving sale vs a garage sale?” you might ask. With all these different names, it’s easy to get mixed up. Don’t worry though, we can help you out. These are how you can tell the difference between all the… Read More

The Origin of American Yard Sales

Yard sales. You’ve had them. You’ve been to them. You love them. American yard sales are whole events dedicated to buying and selling old items in an attempt to give them a shot at a new life, in a new home, with new memories surrounding them. Modern American yard sales generally are a pretty big to do. Sellers usually begin advertising for the sale weeks ahead of time, either online or through handwritten signs posted on street corners in the neighborhood. They’ve most likely spent days figuring out prices and a price tag system, whether that be individual tags or… Read More