How to Turn Clutter into Cash: The Easiest Things to Flip for Profit

An old-fashioned Remington mechanical typewriter

Spoiler Alert: The Answer Is “Vintage, Vintage, Vintage”

So, you’ve got some clutter lying around at home. Not to worry. It naturally accumulates over time, especially with all the extra time we’ve been spending at home in 2020. You can sell some of your clutter in a yard sale!

By doing so, you can earn a little money along the way, give your old possessions a happy second life, and do the environment a favor. But what are the easiest things to flip for profit?

Today in the Yard Sale Radar Blog, let’s take a look at the easiest items to flip at a sale.


Vintage is hot right now in pop culture. Maybe that’s not surprising: Society had some wonderful creative movements back in the day, and many of the products built in those times are still around today. Today, people crave authenticity, and vintage styles hearken back to a simpler, more honest time before social media, 24-hour outrage culture, and cheap overseas production values. That’s what makes vintage items some of the easiest things to flip for profit at a yard sale.

Some of the most salable vintage items include:

  • Electronics: People love groovy vintage electronics with heft and a cute retro look.
  • Kitchenware: Vintage dishes feature amazing patterns and art.
  • Textiles: Provided they’re in good condition, vintage rugs and clothes are a hot sell.
  • Hardware: Vintage tools, optics, lamps, timepieces, anything precision-made.
  • Furniture: Furniture is a bestseller even when it’s not vintage. See below!


Furniture is a perennial bestseller at yard sales. New furniture is infamously expensive, not to mention often of dubious quality, and those in the know realize that furniture from yesteryear is often both cheaper and higher quality than the new stuff.

Wood furniture in particular is one of the easiest things to flip for profit, especially smaller pieces like chairs and coffee tables. If the furniture is scuffed, consider treating the scuffs with some toothpaste and wiping it clean, or perhaps even completely refinishing the wood. Good furniture will sell for a lot more money, and more quickly, than furniture that’s scratched up or otherwise damaged.

Post Your Yard Sale With Us Today, or Find Other Sales Near You

So, what are the easiest things to flip for profit at a yard sale? Think vintage, think good condition, think usefulness. Those are the most important qualities for figuring out the easiest items to flip.

When you’re ready to run your sale, Yard Sale Radar is here for you! Simply post your yard sale in our listings. We’re your go-to online resource for connecting local yard sale buyers and sellers.

Want to check out some other sales first for inspiration on the easiest things to flip for profit? Search for yard sales in your area.

And be sure to visit our Yard Sale Radar Blog for more articles like this one to help buyers and sellers have the best experience out there!