The Best Yard Sale Tips to Stay Safe and Protect Your Property

house seen through chain link fence

You’ve got vintage dishes, old games, camping gear, picture frames, costume jewelry, and artwork laid out for sale.

And that’s just the first table.

Yes, it’s that time again—time for your spring yard sale. You’ve neatly organized all of your old things on tables and chairs, and now you’re ready for the public to finally take them off your hands—for the right price, of course.

The question is, how can you be sure that certain people won’t try to take these items off your hands without your knowing? Or, take other items that were never for sale in the first place?

This isn’t something you may have thought would happen to you. But if somebody is waiting for an opportunity to steal from you at your yard sale, you best believe that he or she will jump on it. It’s no different from what some people might do at your local store: They enter the store and chat up the salesperson while their accomplices grab certain items of value and make a run for it. The same could easily happen at your yard sale.

Fortunately, a few garage sale safety tips can help you to protect yourself against theft or harm during your next sale. Let’s take a look at the best yard sale tips for protecting your property.

Be Proactive

One of the best yard sale tips for those seeking garage sale safety tips is to lock all of your home’s doors during your yard sale. Even lock the door that leads from your garage to your home’s interior if you have an attached garage. This is important even if you plan to enter and leave the home frequently. Although you may intend to guard this door, chances are that you’ll have to split your attention to other things during the sale.

In fact, another one of the best yard sale tips is to avoid opening your home’s garage door in the first place. Instead, try to host your sale on the lawn or driveway. Be sure to also lock your windows and shut your home’s curtains to conceal the items inside the home.

Solicit Help

If possible, arrange for friends and family to assist you with your yard sale. This is one of the best yard sale tips, as it will allow you to put extra eyes on both your money and your merchandise. Plus, with family/friends around you, you’re less likely to become the target of someone who otherwise would try to do you harm.

When it comes to garage sale safety tips, keeping your cell phone with you is one of the most important ones to practice. For one, you might need to get in touch with somebody to manage your sale if you need to step away to use the bathroom, for instance. In addition, you might need to call someone for assistance with a shopper who is unruly and may harm you as a result.

Block the Bathroom

You may be tempted to allow customers to use your home’s bathroom in a pinch, but don’t. Even if a customer seems harmless or desperate, the reality is that he or she could be a thief who is good at hiding his or her true identity. A seemingly innocent person who asks to use your restroom could actually be casing the house for possible valuables instead. Or, he or she might slip a valuable into his or her pocket while passing through your home.

One of the best yard sale tips is to point your customers to a nearby convenience store featuring a restroom that is available to the public. This will help you to avoid the above mentioned risks.

Ditch the Cash Box

If you’ve got a family member or friend who is solely responsible for your cash box, having a cash box on hand isn’t a bad idea. On the other hand, if you have no one to keep an eye on the cash box 100% of the time, ditch it. The box could disappear in a split second if you’re not careful.

A better way of handling your money during a garage sale is to simply keep it with you. For instance, one of the best yard sale tips is to store your money in an apron that has many pockets, or in a fanny pack. Alternatively, you could keep your money in a wallet that you attach to your belt. Also, try to periodically take your excess cash into your home. Keep only what you feel is necessary for making change for customers.

Get Organized

garage sale sign on a chair

Yet another one of the best yard sale tips is to organize your merchandise in such a way as to deter theft as well as accidents. Try to put more expensive items near your checkout area. Another option is to set up tables for certain types of items, such as baby clothes or tools, so it’s easier to notice if something is missing.

While you’re organizing, it’s also worth displaying breakable items out of the reach of children, and keeping the aisles clear.

Keep Traffic under Control

Another one of the best yard sale tips has to do with traffic control. Specifically, insist that your customers park along the road in areas where it is legal to park, without blocking driveways or sidewalks. Do not allow them to park in your home’s driveway. The more you control traffic near your home, the less likely you are to subject yourself to theft and/or property damage.

Start Selling Your Old Stuff at a Community Yard Sale Today

Knowing the precautions to take to have a successful yard sale, you’re ready to start purging your home of items you no longer need while making some money in the process. That’s the beauty of hosting a yard sale. Yard Sale Radar, we make it easier than ever to market your sale, and find the items you want.

On our site, you can easily post information about your sale, eliminating the need to spend money and energy advertising with traditional flyers and outdoor signs. In the end, you’ll save money and time, all while potentially drawing many more people to your sale. In fact, your post could easily be seen in another part of the country through our site.

Get in touch with us to discover more of the best yard sale tips, including garage sale safety tips. Advertise your yard sale online today so you can regain your space and start making money!